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16 SIMPLE Ways To Keep Your Dog Busy When You’re Stuck Indoors because of Corona

Writer: Magda Tobiaszewska VandepitteMagda Tobiaszewska Vandepitte

Not every one of us, owners and lovers of dogs, remembers that fun plays a huge role in a dog’s life and is extremely important for the proper functioning of the quadruped’s emotional. It is simply necessary for him to be happy! We prefer to play with the dog, chasing in the open air so that the pet can run properly. Dogs love to be outdoors, but there are times when getting out can be difficult. When rain, storm or a VIRUS is outside the window … it's time to play with the dog at home! To help you out I’ve put together a list of 16 simple ways to keep your dog entertained when heading outside isn’t an option.

1. Exercise your pup’s brain

Surely you and your dog have some favourite games. When you get home, your pet brings you a beloved jerk or mascot and looks expectantly. However, it is worth trying something new from time to time and proposing, for example, mental fun for the dog — one in which you have to head for. Quadrupeds like it very much. Stimulate your dog’s mind and build her problem-solving skills by playing the “shell game.” Place a treat under one of three cups while your pup watches. Shuffle the cups around and once again, encourage her to “Find the treat.”

it is worth trying something new from time to time

2. Have your pooch help with the chores

Dogs love having a job to do! They may not be able to fold laundry, but your dog can help out around the house. Start small by teaching him to fetch your slippers. Or… Get really fancy and train your pooch to retrieve items from the refrigerator!

When teaching your dog to open the fridge tie a towel around the handle so it’s easy for them to pull open the door.

Make it easy for your dog to open the door

3. Play nosework games

Nosework is a wonderful bonding exercise and a fun alternative to basic fetch — plus your dog gets delicious snacks as a reward! If your pooch is new to nose work, you’ll want to start by placing a few small, healthy treats around the room as your dog watches. Next, give the command, “Find the treats!” and offer lots of encouragement and praise each time she finds one.

Once she understands what “find the treats” means, increase the difficulty by having her wait in another room while you hide them under throw rugs, in couch crevices, etc. Your dog will quickly get the hang of using her powerful nose and you can advance to more challenging activities each time you play!

Here are some games:

I. Treasures in a blanket

Fold a blanket with delicacies hidden inside. In the beginning, you can help the dog and show under which fold there are treats. However, let the dog find them on its own over time. It will be fun!

II. Tracks

When the dog is in another room, spread the delicacies on the floor, first at short intervals. Then let the dog out and let him follow the trail composed of delicacies. Gradually, you can increase the distance between treats and extend the paths.

III. Where is the gift?

Ask a helper to hold the dog. At this time, reach for your favourite toy and pretend to hide it in several places. Finally, hide it really — call the dog and let him find the hidden toy on his own. Over time, you can hide toys or a can of treats in increasingly hard-to-find places. Let him search the whole apartment to find the gift he wants.

IV. Self-control training

Ask the quadruped to stay in place, then hide his favourite toy somewhere so that he does not see it (behind the wardrobe, under the sofa, under the table). It’s best to have a toy that you can play together, e.g. dragging. For example, a ball made of string with a handle. When the toy is hidden, return to the dog and issue the “search” command. The element of sniffing, “hunting” for doom is something that all pets love. In addition, we teach the pet to self-control and obedience. When the dog manages to find the hidden toy, reward him with praise and fun together. If your pet is well trained and knows more commands, before you let him search, you can ask him to do some trick.

4. Create Your Own Indoor Doggie Obstacle Course

If your dog is healthy and you have some space, you can arrange a small obstacle course even at home. Use chairs, tables and anything else that comes to your mind to create a giant slalom at home and encourage your dog, e.g. a treat or a toy, to get through it. If your dog can handle it, you can extend the tunnel by adding more chairs. If the floor is not slippery, you can also practice jumping over the leg or objects, choosing their size to the skills and condition of the dog .. Let yourself be carried away by the creativity and your pet with a wagging tail will thank you for that

5. Create a DIY puzzle toy from household items

Studies show that dogs get bored with the same old toys. Rather than constantly buying new ones, try rotating them or get creative and make a DIY toy or two! Do you have any boxes, water bottles, yoghurt containers or tennis balls around the house? Then you can make a fun puzzle toy for your pup! It’s also a fun way to pass the time when you are trapped inside, and your pooch will love you for your efforts!

Here are some simple DIY food puzzles and toys you can make from everyday items in your home.

I. Boxes

My dog loves to shred cardboard boxes, especially the ones that cereal and snacks come in. He never eats the pieces, so I let him have it and it seems to be a wonderful de-stress activity for him. Simply put kibble in the box and close it. Add difficulty by putting boxes inside boxes (like those nesting dolls), with kibble in between each layer.

It’s the perfect toy for a pup that likes crinkly sounds.

Forget about using old towels for rags, make a pup toy!

Just genius.

Another easy toy for the pup that likes crinkly noises.

Get your pup to use their noggin.

Toss it, tug it, whatever your pup wants!

6. Play hide-and-seek.

Hide-and-seek is an excellent way to teach or reinforce the “stay” command with your pooch. It also involves exercise, problem-solving, and improves the human-animal bond Involve all household members to have fun!

Ask a helper to hold the dog while you hide in another room. Do not call or make any sounds. The person holding the quadruped gives the command, eg “search for a lady”. When the animal finds you, pull out his favourite toy, e.g. a jerk, a teether or a chestnut-shaped toy, or two balls with delicacies hidden inside. You can do a few repetitions with hiding and after finding greet the dog with enthusiastic praise and a small treat (e.g. a cookie), and only last time reward your pup with a toy.

7. Play a Game of Tug of War

This fun can be a lot of fun under certain conditions. Remember not to overload your puppy. Your dog should also know that it is fun and distinguish that only a toy is used for dragging. It is worth teaching him the “give back” or “release” commands beforehand. A string or other durable toy can be used for pulling. It’s best if you initiate and end the game, especially if your dog accidentally gets caught in your teeth.

8. Have a relaxing grooming session.

Although your dog won’t find a grooming session as exciting as a game of tug it is something that needs to be done from time to time.  Bathing and brushing are important parts of a healthy doggy routine. Unfortunately, it is easy for these tasks to fall by the wayside when our schedules get jammed. Make up for lost time while trapped inside by giving your pup a relaxing spa day!

Some dogs tolerate grooming better than others, and the more you practice using positive rewards the easier it will become. Don’t be afraid to hand out lots of treats during a grooming session – you want to ensure your dog will associate grooming habits with a positive experience.

9. Learn some new tricks together

Teaching your dog new things means that his brain needs to work intensively — and thinking is more tired than running after the ball, for example. Even a short training session will easily tire your dog, and at the same time strengthen your relationship with him.

Even the most skilled dogs could learn a thing or two!

Trick — High Five, Paw, Shake Hands

People love it when puppies give them their paws to shake

Step 1: Have your dog sit in front of you. Step 2: When he lifts his paw say “good boy” and treat. Step 3: Repeat five times. Step 4: Wait for him to offer lifting his paw (however slight). Say “good boy” and treat. Step 5: Say the word “paw” each time he lifts his paw. Say “good boy” and treat. Step 6: Say the word “paw” and say “good boy” and treat when he lifts his paw. Step 7: Modify the trick by rewarding only higher lifts. You can encourage him to lift his paw by tickling the hollow behind his paw

11. Master the art of doggie massage

Learning how to give a dog massage is enriching for owner and dog alike.

Canine massage is easy, feels great, and can help soothe and relax nearly any dog. Some of the benefits include:

  • increased circulation

  • decreased muscle pain

  • better flexibility

  • stress relief

  • stronger human-animal bond

12. Bake your own simple dog treats or make an ice  cream!

OK, so your dog can’t participate in this one, but she’ll certainly appreciate the end result! Plus, making your own treats will give you a supply of fresh, healthy, exciting rewards to use for the games above. Here are some simple recipes using a variety of healthy ingredients.

I. Carrot & Banana Natural Homemade Dog Treats

These snacks are easy to make and full of nutrients that will keep your pooch in good shape.

Tasty all year round. : )

III. Carob Crunchers Homemade Dog Treats

These tasty snacks are an excellent choice for pups with wheat and gluten sensitivities because they’re wheat and gluten-free! Carob is also a great substitute for chocolate because it packs the same tasty flavour in a healthy package that isn’t toxic to our pups.

13. Hunting for a meal

When you put a bowl of food in front of the dog, probably after 20 seconds there is nothing in it and the dog looks at you reproachfully …

Try to take it a bit longer — spread out a handful of food in several places in the apartment so that the dog can easily find it, but it would require some effort from him. Next time, find more difficult places so that hunting down food is not so easy.

14. Chase with a dog

The fun is to run away from the dog and reward him when he catches you. It can also be part of learning how to summon a dog (if your dog ignores your summoning, it is better to run than to chase him). Sometimes you can go down to the floor level — your dog will be delighted!

15. Learning the names of toys

The famous border collie could recognize as many as 800 toys. Your dog can also learn to recognize toys, even if they are much less. Start by playing with your chosen toy, give it a name and repeat it often until your dog associates it with her. Then teach him to bring her from the group of other toys.

16. Toy cleaning

If your dog can already recognize toys by their names, you can teach him to carry them to the box. Teach him to grab a toy (“take”), bring it and let it go over the box (“let go”). You can also teach a dog how to clean a drawer socks in this way.

Being indoors doesn’t have to be dull!

Remember that puppies like to learn and learn new types of activities. It is worth breaking with monotony and from time to time proposing a new game or modifying slightly the one so far favourite. Take care of your pet with us even when the wind is raging outside and it is raining.

The most important thing is that you spend time together.

You can also have fun at home! You can also practice tricks with the dog or teach him one of the commands. The most important thing is that you spend time together.





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© 2020 by Maddie's Dog Academy

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