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  • 23/09/2023  Online Conference at PDTE Summit

        -  Anne Lill Kvam "Why we at PDTE focus on the importance of Nosework"

        -  Stefania Acquesta "Toad-tally Awesome. A Poodle’s Nosework Adventure"

        -  Silvia Deimeke "Searching the Color Red. Scent Discrimination with a Kong Classic"

        -  Beate Bjørnhom "The Physical benefits of search games"

        -  Sowjanya Vijayanagar "Gentle Parenting and Applying the Idea to the Caregiving of Dogs"

  • 12/09/2023 Piotr Wojtkow (Wojtkow Training) "Dog communication: analysis of dog communication, dog meetings, fun or competition, dog support" (course)

  • 21-23/04/2023 The Dog Behaviour Conference (virtual)

        -  Kristina Spaulding "The Neurobiology of Aggression"

        -  Andrew Hale "Emotional Safety for us and our dogs: Exploring the notion of safety for professional, client and the dogs in our care"

        -  Sarah Heath "The Impact of the Pandemic on Canine Emotional Health: How the lives of domestic dogs and their caregivers have been affected"

        -  Victoria Stilwell "The Overwhelmed Dog: Helping dogs cope with a confusing world"

        -  Sarah Fisher "Patterns, Habits, and Familiarity"

        -  Suzanne Clothier "See the Dog: Temperament, Training, Choices & Relationships"

        -  Darris Cooper "Who’s Rescuing Whom?"

        -  Abigail Witthauer "Service Dogs: Lessons learned while raising heroes"

        -  Rachel Bean "Canine First Aid: Being ready!"

        -  Irith Bloom "Dealing with Over-the-Top Behavior: A practical tool kit addressing hyperactivity to aggression"

        -  Jennifer Shryock "Dog Aware for all generations: Learning the 4 key concepts all families must know"

  • 01/04/2023 Dr. Martin Fischer, Dr. Kirsten Häusler & Dr. Alexandra Keller "Movement Development from eight-week old puppies to adult seen from different                                     perspectives" (MasterClass webinar)

  • 04/03/2023 Julia Robertson "How to Raise a Puppy Physically to a Healthy Adult Dog" (MasterClass webinar)

  • 11/02/2023 Dr. Conor Brady "Food & Allergies, Raw Feeding" (MasterClass webinar)

  • 21/12/2022 Andrzej Kinteh - Klosinski  (COAPE) "Emotions and social skills of a dog guardian in raising, training and everyday life with dogs" (webinar)

  • 07/12/2022 Andrzej Kinteh - Klosinski  (COAPE) "Little big dog - under one roof with a little dog through the eyes of an animal behaviorist" (webinar)

  • 25/11/2022 Dr. A. Cholewiak - Góralczyk & M.DÄ…browski "How does nutrition affect a dog's behavior?" (webinar)

  • 15/11/2022  A. Kinteh - Klosinski  (COAPE) & Dr. J. Wilczak "The pleasure of eating for dogs" (webinar)

  • 14/08/2022 Piotr Wojtkow (Wojtkow Training) "Analysis of canine communication" (webinar)

  • 02-03/04/2022 The Congress "Your Dog's Nutrition - a Practical Approach" (virtual)

        -  Dr. A. Kurosad "Diet in practice: mono-protein food as an alternative for allergy sufferers?"

        -  Dr. J. Wilczak "Delightfully round or seriously ill? Overweight and obesity: how to act effectively"

        -  Dr. M. Jank "CBD oil - a panacea or a placebo"

        -  Dr. J. ZarzyÅ„ska"Through the stomach to the heart - the nutritional challenges of small breed dogs

        -  Dr. K. HoÅ‚da "With a kangaroo, a beetle or maybe based on an egg? New sources of nutrients in nutrition - a requirement or a fad?"

        -  Dr. O. Lasek"Dietary fiber - when, why, pro and con"

        -  Dr. M. Jank"Probiotics - a need that requires caution"

        -  Dr. W. Biel "Cereals in food  - the whole truth, necessity, convenience, threats, advantages"

        -  Dr. A. Cholewiak - Góralczyk "Wild or farmed? Fish in the dog's diet"

        -  Dr. S. Berwid - Wójtowicz"Hungry means angry, how nutrition affects behavior"

        -  Andrzej Kinteh - Klosinski  (COAPE) "Biological need versus emotions and pleasure - feeding animals from the perspective of a behaviorist"

        -  Dr. J. Wilczak "Beautiful poop - a goal to be achieved"

  • 01-03/04/2022 The Dog Behaviour Conference (virtual)

        -  Alexandra Horowitz "The "guilty look" of dogs thirteen years later: Anthropomorphizing in the dog world"

        -  Michael Shikashio "Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You!” - Success in Challenging Resource Guarding Cases"

        -  Steve Dale "How to be a Diplomat - Making Peace Among Cats and Dogs"

        -  Zazie Todd "Understanding fear in dogs (and what to do about it)"

        -  Sarah Fisher "Rewarding Education"

        -  Kim Brophey"TRAPPED - The Effects of Captivity on the Modern Pet Dog"

        -  Justine Schuurmans"CODE RED: Helping Families Avoid Serious Trouble between their Kids and Dogs"

        -  Irith Bloom "Quiet Please! Dealing with Excessive Barking"

        -  Craig Ogilvie "Interactive Toy Play From Foundations To Practical Reinforcer"

        -  Andrew Hale"Understanding the emotional experience – a journey into the emotional truth of dogs"

        -  Sarah Heath "Who says I am not in pain? Understanding the role of chronic pain in behavioural change in dogs"

        -  Victoria Stilwell "Help! My Dog is Out of Control! Unraveling challenging dog behavior cases"

  • 21/02/2022 Dr. K.Twardzik & Dr. D. Szymanowska"Health-based behavioral disorders in dogs" (course)

  • 31/01-11/02/2022 The Dog Behaviour Conference "Kindness is Essential, not Optional" (virtual)

  • 15/01/2022 Kasia Biskup (Piesologia) "Loose Leash" (course)

  • 13/10/2021 Dr. Amber Batson "Fixing Fearful Fido Beyond Just Training" (webinar)

  • 25-26/09/2021  Online Conference at PDTE Summit

        -  Lyubov Elupova "Sit study – why dogs sit and why do we still make them"

        -  Aurélien and Cristina Budzinski "Case study - How can we help a dog relax and enjoy his walk in a different environment"

        -  Alexandra Horowitz "Our dogs, ourselves. The story of a singular bond"

        -  Martina Nacerdaska "Blood pressure in dogs"

        -  Linda Rugaas "Knowledge – the power and the pain"

        -  Julia Robertson "Physical exercises for adolescent dogs"

        -  Kim Brophey "Ethological contributions to “behavior problems” in dogs"

        -  Leticia Sanchez-Moral "Improving physical and mental health via motions"

        -  Tatjana Vishnyakova "Let the dogs out – the use of crates"

  • 16/08/2021 Magdalena Michalek (COAPE) "Basics of dog communication" (webinar)

  • 14/07/2021 Dr. Sara Davies "Phantom Pregnancy - The Silent Killer" (webinar)

  • 10/07/2021 Alex Wilson (Xtra Dog Training) "Calmness Rocks" (workshop)

  • 20/06/2021 Ibolya Bartus (Yin and Yang Dog Training) "Reactive Rascals" (workshop)

  • 17/06/2021 Dr. Amber Batson "Abnormal behaviours and pain" (webinar)

  • 27/05/2021 Dog Training College  "Puppy Training Specialist" (course)

  • 22/05/2021 Dog Training College  "Canine Body Language Specialist" (course)

  • 21/05/2021 Dr. Amber Batson "Memory matters" (webinar)

  • 20/05/2021 Ireneusz Czerniejewski and Alicja Milewska (Academy of Canine Language) "Dog communication. How to read a dog's body language?" (online training)

  • 05/05/2021 Dr. Hannah Capon (Canine Arthritis Management) "Early Recognition of Chronic Pain - Arthritis is a Young Dog's Disease" (webinar)

  • 23/04/2021 Danielle Beck "Managing Reactivity In A Multi-Dog Household" (Master Class online training)

  • 22/04/2021 Dr. Amber Batson "Sleep quality and chronic pain" (webinar)

  • 22/04/2021 Michael Shikashio "Understanding Dog Aggression" (webinar)

  • 21/04/2021 Magdalena Michalek (COAPE) "The art of effective recall - How to teach a dog to come reliably on cue?" (webinar)

  • 16-18/04/2021 The Dog Behaviour Conference (virtual)

        -  Joshua Leeds/Victoria Stilwell  "Taking the Use of Music and Sound to the Next Level"

        -  Michael Shikashio "Working With Your Pet Chainsaw - Safe and Effective Handling Techniques for Dog Aggression"

        -  Irith Bloom "Arousal: What, Why and How"

        -  Lisa Radosta "Science Talk - Puppy Edition"

        -  Adam Miklosi "The Significance of Social Learning in Dogs' Lives"

        -  Claudia Fugazza "Imitation - the Untapped Talent of Dogs"

        -  Sarah Fisher "Adolescent Dogs - Engage the Brain, Reduce the Pain"

        -  Lisa Wagoner "Home Alone: Separation Without Anxiety"

        -  Clive Wynne "Using Behavioral Science to Help Shelter Dogs in Difficulties"

        -  Andrew Hale/Kathy Murphy "Beyond the Operant - Stepping into the Dog's Behavioural Experience"

        -  Sarah Heath "To Neuter or Not to Neuter? - That is the Question!"

        -  Alexandra Horowitz "Following the Dog into a World of Smell"

  • 14/04/2021 Eve Laforest "Attention Games for Dogs: In the Streets" (course)

  • 31/03/2021 Nieuwe Skills Academy "Canine Communication" (course)

  • 24/03/2021 Kasia Biskup (Piesologia) "Don't pull!" (webinar)

  • 10/03/2021 Kasia Biskup (Piesologia) "Effective dog recall" (webinar)

  • 05/03/2021 Alex Wilson (Xtra Dog Training) "Exploring Tellington TTouch" (Master Class online training)

  • 13/01/2021 Maddie Larsson "Hiking with dogs" (course)

  • 16/12/2020 Clair Hickson (The Missing Peace) "People centred solutions for reactive dog trainers" (webinar)

  • 09/12/2020 Andrzej Kinteh - Klosinski  (COAPE) "Fear, anxiety, depression in dogs. Basics of working with dogs showing anxiety problems" (webinar)

  • 02/12/2020 Magdalena Michalek (COAPE) "The second dog at home - practical tips on how to introduce a second or another dog to the  family" (webinar)          

  • 01/12/2020 Piotr Wojtkow (Wojtkow Training) "Reactive dog" (online training)

  • 18/11/2020 Andrzej Kinteh - Klosinski  (COAPE) "Senility in dogs through animal behaviorist's eyes" (webinar)

  • 13/11/2020 Ian Shivers (Bondi Behaviourist) "Back Off, It's Mine! How to Help Possessive Dog" (webinar)

  • 13/11/2020 Leanne McWade (Dog Training College) "The World of Calming Signals" (webinar)

  • 13/11/2020 Leanne McWade (Dog Training College) "Raising a Rescue Dog" (webinar)

  • 20/10/2020 Ireneusz Czerniejewski (Academy of Canine Language)  "Confidence Behavior of the Dog - Demonstrative behaviors" (webinar)

  • 09/10/2020 Toni Shelbourne "HELP! My Dog's Scared of Fireworks" (webinar)

  • 25-27/09/2020 Online Conference at PDTE Summit   

       - Dr. Amber Batson "What a vet would like all vets and owners to know about neutering"

       - Karen Webb "Applied Zoopharmacognosy: animals healing themselves from nature's pharmacy"

       - Karen Webb "Creating peace in a world full of noise"

       - Dr. Conor Brady "Everything you need to know about raw food"

       - Aurélien and Cristina Budzinski "Matters of the heart: what can we learn from a dog’s pulse?"

       - Marc Bekoff "Re-defining dogness"

       - Dr. Jane Goodall "In conversation with Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE"

       - Winkie Spiers and Harriet Alexander "Puppies Unleashed"

       -  Birgitta Geerlings-Wensveen  "Build your own snuffle garden"

       -  Sindhoor Pangal  "How free-ranging dogs evaluate and respond to human body language"

       -  Ena Kobentar, Leticia Sanchez Moral, Lyubov Elupova  "Tips for a dog centered walk from the Smiling Leash Project"

       -  Astrid Verkuijl en Pauline Lanting  "Building a healthy relationship with your puppy and adolescent"

       -  Dr. Frank McMillan  "Social pain in dogs"

       -  Pennie Clayton "Tackling quick fix culture together"

       -  Winkie Spiers  "Back to basics: the principles of dog-centric training"

       -  Natasha Bystrova  "Humans are animals too"

       -  Ena Kobentar, Leticia Sanchez Moral, Lyubov Elupova  "Building a dog-friendly online community"

       -  Dr. Risë VanFleet  "Helping humans see their animals more clearly"

  • 30/07/2020 Danielle Beck "Snappy to Happy" (webinar)

  • 16/07/2020 Toni Shelbourne "Dog Tired" (webinar)

  • 08/07/2020 Jo - Rosie Haffenden (The School of Canine Science) "Supercharge your separation anxiety consults" (webinar)

  • 05/06/2020 Toni Shelbourne "HELP! My Dog's Scared of the Vets" (webinar)

  • 09-10/05/2020 The International Dog Behaviour Conference (Coventry, United Kingdom)

       -  Sarah Heath  "Emotional arousal - its influence on onset, maintenance and ​resolution of problematic behaviour"

       -  Victoria Stilwell "BRAVE: Essential Coping Strategies for Every Dog"

       -  Sherry Woodard "Helping from Hello: Working with Rescue & Shelter Dogs"

       -  Clive Wynne "Dog is Love"

       -  Holly Root-Gutteridge "Sounds, Sights, Sniffs, and Science: A researcher's perspective on dog behaviour and cognition"

       -  Sarah Fisher "Become an ACE Dog Detective: How to hone your observation skills and deepen your understanding of the only dog experts that exist"

       -  J. Nichole Smith "Find Your Magic: Discover how to leverage your unique skills & resources to change more dogs' lives positively

       -  Zazie Todd "Helping Dogs Be Happy (or Even Happier)"

  • 03/05/2020 Leanne McWade (Dog Training College) "Canine Body Language - Further thoughts" (webinar)

  • 01/05/2020 Selected as the first PDTE dog trainer of Ghent   

  • 30/04/2020 The International Cynological Conference  "Dog is important"  (Warsaw, Poland)

       -  Paula Guminska "Movement matters"

       -  Tomasz Jakubowski "Dog's guardian matters"

       -  Kasia Biskup "Hunting instinct matters"

       -  Izabela Sekula "Nutrition matters"

       -  Jacek Galuszka "Reinforcement matters"

       -  Mike D'Abruzzo "Does domination matter?"

  • 24/04/2020 Roohi Bansal and Aman Gupta "Dog Training: 50 common dog behaviors & ways to fix them" (course)

  • 21/04/2020 Victoria Stilwell "Being a Good Pet Neighbor" (course)

  • 21/04/2020 Victoria Stilwell "Building Your Dog's Confidence" (course)

  • 14/04/2020 Cristina Budzinski (PDTE) "How to carry out an interview" (webinar)

  • 07/04/2020 Victoria Stilwell "Living successfully with dogs - everything you need to know to raise a happy, confident dog" (webinar)        

  • 02/03/2020 Toni Shelbourne "Canine Compulsive Disorder" (webinar)

  • 20/02/2020 Louise Wilkes (Hands 4 Hounds) "Caring For Your Elderly Dog" (webinar)

  • 18/12/2019 Victoria Stilwell "Supercharge your relationship with your dog" (webinar)

  • 16/12/2019 Victoria Stilwell "Inside Your Dog's Mind" (course)

  • 24/10/2019 Sian Ryan (Developing Dogs) "Self Control in Dogs" (Master class online training)

  • 04/09/2019 Kar-Group "A dog behaviorism" (course)

  • 22/05/2019 Andrzej Klosinski  (COAPE) "Stress of companion animals - physiology, emotions and behaviour" (webinar)

  • 15/05/2019 COAPE "Dogwise"  (course)

  • 13/06/2018 COAPE "Petsitter"  (course)

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Available in and around Ghent, Belgium

© 2020 by Maddie's Dog Academy

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